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Best Bars around Rhein-Neckar-Arena?

1 answer

Johannes Mohr
Johannes Mohr

Keep in mind that Hoffenheim is a very small place, it’s more like a village than a city. This is why there’s not really much going on after a game, don’t expect any crazy nightlife or clubs in the ‘city center’.

If you’re looking for any pubs to hang out before the game and have some beers I suggest you visit the place „Zum Elfmeter“ which should be on your way towards the stadium. You might even meet some other fans. There’s „Westpoint Lounge Bar“, too, about 400m from the stadium, however, I wouldn’t really recommend this place, atmosphere, usually, is kind of quiet.

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Lukas Muller
Lukas Muller

The area of Sinsheim really isn’t the most happening of areas and most fans tend to drink inside the stadium rather than finding a place around town – however there are a couple of options If you are really parched! Zum Elfmeter is a strange little place on the way to the ground – however the fact it sells Pilsner and Hefeweizen beer makes it a popular stop off for fans who have decided to walk.

There is Westpoint Lounge Bar as well near the stadium – though it is nothing like the normal pre-match pubs with an almost seedy vibe to it – it does sell beer.

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Mike Wood
Mike Wood

The Rhein-Neckar-Arena looks like it was dropped from the sky and landed in a field. There’s nothing interesting at all nearby and thus fans are left to either bring their own beer – never that bad an option, really – or buy overpriced beer from the trucks that are to be found outside the stadium. Given that Hoffenheim don’t really have any fans, and the village that all of their proper fans come from is a full hour’s walk away, you’re really hard up to get anything that might pass as a fan pub.

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