Dealing with scalpers at Gillette Stadium ?

- JarradM 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
1 answer
There are scalpers but they really take a markup on the tickets because the supply doesn’t live up to the demand of everyone who wants to come see a game here. Be prepared to have a good amount of cash on you if you take this option.
- Riley McDonald answered 10 years ago
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Since Gillette Stadium opened I’ve been to many games. I’ve never been bothered by scalpers, and have only seen them here and there. Since I treasure my tickets, I’ve never tried scalping tickets at Gillette, but many people go to Patriot games without tickets just to be in the atmosphere. I’m sure many of them would be happy to purchase tickets if the price is right.
- Josh Leventhal answered 10 years ago
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Scalping is perfectly acceptable at Gillette, but I would not recommend pursuing that route if on any kind of a budget.
- msoteroff answered 10 years ago
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