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Best food at Gillette Stadium ?

1 answer

Riley McDonald
Riley McDonald
Good Answer

Gillette Stadium offers pizza, burritos, McDonalds, Five Guys, Italian sandwiches, nachos, pretzels, and hot dogs.  They also have a wide selection of brews and all different types of Samuel Adams.

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There is typical stadium food like pizza, hot dogs, nachos, pretzels, etc. If you can find the booth serving the steak and cheeses and sausage and onion sandwiches, those are the best! There are also multiple beer options, but if you’re not looking to drink, there are multiple stands with the stadium’s “designated driver” campaign sign up. If sign your name on the list, you get a rubber bracelet and a voucher for a free soda at any of the concession soda fountains.

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Try one of the restaurants at Patriot Place, rather than inside the stadium. Inside the stadium, your options will be limited to McDonald’s and average stadium-type food, while paying a premium. Meanwhile, Patriot Place’s options range from fast food (Five Guys, Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop) to fine dining (Davio’s, Tavolino).

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Josh Leventhal
Josh Leventhal

Gillette Stadium offers many food options both inside and outside of the arena.  Of course, once they scan your ticket, you’re choices are limited to the food inside the stadium only.  There are many concession stands, but my favorite is Papa Gino’s pizza.  There are many located within the wall of Gillette.  Enjoy.


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