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Safety at Oriole Park at Camden Yards ?

1 answer

Chris martin
Chris martin
Great Answer

I would stay away from downtown Baltimore at night and try to park closely to the stadium.  I feel that during the weekend their isnt any safety problem but try to go in a group of 4 or more and just stay with other people.

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Tyler Parris
Tyler Parris

Try to stay in a group and don’t flash expensive electronics. The safest part of Baltimore is around the stadium and at the inner harbor. Going deeper in is you putting your life in your own hands. It is safest to take public transportation or to park in one of the nearby lot. 

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Tim Gilmore
Tim Gilmore

The Area around Camden Yards, and downtown is as safe as any other major City. There is always a large police presence during the games, I never have had any problems waking to the stadium or down to the harbor after. This is the “tourist” area of Baltimore and is pretty safe. 

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